12th march 2013

2013 March 12

Created by lyndsey dearn 9 years ago
Morning baby boy xx Thank you for my mothers day card it was so precious and very difficult being without you on mothers day its the first without you. I remember last year when you were in the unit it was our first mothers day with all 5 of us together and the last time you saw your brothers.I will remember that day for ever. Your brothers made me breakfast in bed i had toast which Haydn did because Jake puts to much butter on hahahaha also a lovely cup of tea some biscuits and a chocolate muffin hahaha what are your brothers like x Ive been thinking of you even more than normal these last couple of days i spent them travelling backwards and forwards to see you i would do anything just to hold you just once more i miss you soso much xxx I want you to know how much you are missed and loved every tear i cry for you is cried with love my heart aches for you nothing can ever replace you mommies little star xxx love you baby boy xxxx